this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don’t warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
being the
7th patriarch is like
waking up in yalta, you wake up and
no-one understands !
being the
7th patriarch is like waking up in yalta, you wake up and
no-one understands !
you can’t change them, all you can do is leave them !
you can’t change them, all can you do is leave them
you have to work to gain understanding, its not just given on a plate to you !
you have to work to gain understanding, its not just given on a plate to you
you have to work to gain understanding, its not just given on a plate for you !
you have to work to gain understanding, its not just given on a plate for you
what about zen has made you so hubric and unobjective about yourself and unable to handle constructive criticism
! ?
why has zen made you so hubric and unobjective about yourself and unable to handle constructive criticism !
what about zen has made you so hubric and unobjective about yourself and unable to handle constructive criticism
why has zen made you so hubric and unobjective about yourself and unable to handle constructive criticism !
what about zen has made you so hubric and unobjective about yourself and unable to handle constructive criticism
why has zen made you so hubric and unobjective about yourself and unable to handle constructive criticism
all these supposed ‘ zennists ’ just cannot be objective about themselves and admit they are wrong
all these supposed ‘ zennists ’ just cannot be objective about themselves and admit they are wrong
a good
madman !
did i say that or you are just grinding an axe ?
so when i say ‘ an axe to grind ’
, you have distorted what i said to suit some agenda of your own !
did i say that or you are just grinding an axe ?
did i say that or you are just grinding an axe
a fascinating
insight into
9th and
14th century ch’an monastic life
thieving monks, incompetent officals
hidebound in endless stupid ritual
no peace in retirement !
i loved the monks running away with the furniture and the old monks having to come out of retirement to run things because their replacements were so bloody useless !
he also gives the size of these monasteries as several hundreds to a thousand which i think would have been ch’an monasticism at its peak !
large monasteries sure don’t sound environmentally friendly !
“ today, the monastic residents gathered together in a large temple have multiplied to as many as hundreds or a thousand in number
providing their provisions exhausts the temple’s granary,and burning wood for cooking has stripped the mountainside into a barren wasteland ”
“ I could buy it and read it, I heard its a classic but the title threw me off thus far ”
your problem is being stuck in “ low brow ”
put some time into reading quality like faust, it changes you productively
its basically about the meaning of life
not faust but really the
best thing on youtube
dunno, the death cafe sounds an interesting
lol you can see how out of control it would immediately get if any relatives were there !
“ that’s life ” since you for some reason are unfamiliar with the phrase means a philosophical and ironic resignation about whatever subject it is referring to !
i’m to blame for your low reading age ?
people volunteering their lives to bullshit
trying to convert other thugs or fellow druggies to something as or more wrong
that’s life ?
that’s r|zen !
( )
people volunteering their lives to bullshit
trying to convert other thugs or fellow druggies to something as or more wrong
that’s life ?
that r|zen !
( )
a toss up with “ that’s ” actually, but “ that ” seems to say something also
women are not men
and men are not women
women are men
and men are women
women are not men
and men are not women
women are men
men are women
women are not men
men are not women
women are men
men are women
“ The relatively narrow therapeutic range of selenium and its toxicity are partly related to the ability of some selenium compounds to generate reactive oxygen species
In the presence of reduced glutathione, selenite and methylselenol (a metabolite of selenomethionine and a likely intermediate in the selenium elimination pathway) continuously generate superoxide
(O2) in vitro
Under conditions of oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species may
increase insulin resistance and affect pancreatic
β-cell function
It is thus theoretically possible that high serum and body selenomethionine paradoxically result in oxidative stress and increased diabetes risk ”
why i am a patriarch is if you can barely understand zen masters, you won’t understand a patriarch at all !
why i am a patriarch is if you can barely understand zen masters, you won’t understand a patriarch at all
ewk writes
What if it isn’t a problem with your brain, as you fear, but a problem with some other part of your body that is causing the hallucinations ?
Go see a doctor
my reply
you mean my liver makes lsd ?
: o )
ewk w r i t e s
I only tell you, and only because you think a hallucination turned you into
my reply
you mean muttering “ things are as they are ” all the while nailing myself to the cross ?
“ my body feels young, but
my mind is very old ”
“ At age nine, when she had a better handle of the English language, she began writing songs.
‘ I like being able to be on the inside of music, rather than on the outside listening to it ’ ”
an interesting facial expression, very
similar to nataly dawn
, did you ever wonder if r|zen was exacerbating your “ mental health ” issues ?
i notice you selectively read in a way that if i did it, would definitely be damaging !
did you ever wonder if r|zen was exacerbating your “ mental health ” issues ?
i notice you selectively read in a way that if i did it, would definitely be damaging !
sometimes i think reddit zen is like kids fighting over a sand castle with the tide coming in
sometimes i think reddit zen is like kids fighting over a sand castle with the tide coming in
sometimes i think reddit zen is like kids fighting over a sand castle with the tide coming !
sometimes i think reddit zen is like kids fighting over a sand castle with the tide coming in
on reddit, an upvote is as good as a downvote
. .
on reddit, an upvote is as good as a downvote
. .
on reddit, an upvote is as good as a downvote
: o )
on reddit, an upvote is as good as a downvote
on reddit, an upvote is as good as a downvote !
on reddit, an upvote is as good as a downvote
ewk seems to have a wire crossed between hallucinogens and “ visions ”
he’s really quite ignorant
as it happens i don’t do drugs and don’t even drink tea or coffee !
ewk seems to have a wire crossed between hallucinogens and “ visions ”
he’s really quite ignorant
he seems to have a wire crossed between hallucinogens and “ visions ”
he’s really quite ignorant
visions have always been primary in mysticism
scriptural paradigm versions have always been well off the mark
visions have always been primary in mysticism
scriptural paradigms have always been well off the mark
visions have always been primary in mysticism
visions have always been primary in mysticism
ewk, i am the
7th zen
zen masters are just driftwood, you are being insulting referring to me as one !
i am the
7th zen
zen masters are just driftwood, you are being insulting referring to me as one !
“ Do you express anger much ?
Like, martial arts or something? ”
like be a punch bag for more experienced practitioners ?
actually i find hunting is quite carthartic !
“ Tips for how to lighten up ? ”
read some nietzsche
, watch some jacques derrida videos and get in quality reading
it all gives a more relaxed perspective about life
the skeletal frame is not designed to support the weights in weightlifting, its just a nightmare of joint damage
doing chores at a moderate or rapid pace is often very effective exercise
you need more focus on work and handyman skills etc and you don’t seem to get the basic point that you can’t afford to have injuries
“ A shaman talked to me after my gig tonight and said that he received a message that he would meet a young girl around the full moon and to reveal to her, the gift. He said that the girl was me and that my gift was to be a songwriter . . . . I am blown away and so grateful. Magic exists ”
she’s not ‘ young ’ anymore, nor a girl, maybe that’s the part of the message she was so receptive too !
getting older
where has all the space in a day gone
getting older
where has all the space
in a day
men are not women
women are not men
men are women
women are men
men are not women
women are not men
men are women
and women men
amylase-trypsin inhibitors in wheat
induct an inflammatory response beyond the gut !
bariatric surgery
inducts small intestine bacterial overgrowth
i wonder what the bowel cancer rates for this surgery will be like ?
well, not all stand up comics are
having a sense of humour about r|zen
yes, no, eeny, meeny, miny, moe
catch a tiger by the toe
if he snarls, let him go
eeny meeny miny moe
having a sense of humour about r|zen
yes, no, eeny, meeny, miny, moe
r|zen is basically the public’s idea of what zen is,
90% have only some advertising version in mind or allan watts,
50% use it as drug wallpaper
vipassana is positive thinking and not zen !
what i am saying is you are taking a lot of damage from your one sided (ed. r|zen) experience of it !
you have got into something that needs deconstructing !
something too much in your own image if you see what i mean !
just some real life dealing with things as “ mixed ”
get less “ precious ” i suppose
people who show you up are not necessarily doing you a disservice !
people who show you up are not necessarily doing you a disservice
alive one minute, everything seeming wonderful at
180 mph (
290 kmph)
, dead
eight seconds later
interestingly donald
campbell also died in a boat flip attempting the world speed record !
oh well, ewk is a wall that won’t look over itself ! :o(
oh well, a wall that won’t look over itself ! :o(
if you read drivel, meditation is just going to entrain drivel and that is the most common mistake i see on r|zen, next to playing games, reading and watching drivel and not getting any contemplative time, that is
idiocy ceases to amaze me !
elbowpunch asks
“ Zero point of scale ?
Does anyone know what this means ?
They talk about it a little in Chan ”
my reply
your thinking is really really messed isn’t it !
dripping idiocy
is the zero point even passed through ?
elbowpunch replies
I don’t know
my reply
honesty in what we do and don’t know is a prerequisite !
what is the point of faking
a million fools blather
forever !
“ Yet there are people like the alcoholic’s wife, who go about doing what they are doing quietly, without expectation, without escaping from circumstances ”
jesus christ that’s offensive, you borderline personality arsehole !
ah well that’s r|zen i suppose, a lot of borderline personality types pontificating while what goes on behind closed doors we cannot even guess they disguise it so well !
“ those who stay to take care of the family are like bodhisattvas ”
what speaks to me is a complete lack of real life experience of this sort of thing, just like your zen you are in fantasy land !
its not ideas that drive people’s behavior !
“ each molecule of ketone bodies (ed. produced from fats when carbohydrates are restricted ) produces more energy than glucose, but less oxidative stress, so the brain and the muscles work more efficiently
this effect of ketone bodies as energetic boosters is very important in migraine patients, or migraineurs, because they have
an energetic deficit in the brain
ketone bodies also have an
anti-inflammatory effect. This is also important because ‘ sterile inflammation ’ — inflammation caused by damage rather than by microbes — is at the heart of migraines
the ketone bodies dampen the neural inflammation that’s both common in epilepsy and migraines and modulate the cortical excitability, the firing rate of neurons ”
enlightenment is a mixed process, rapid progress, long periods of stasis, conflexing dimensions, ouroborosial combinates, cludging work
a car crash on the nordschleife at
124 mph (
jason writes
pastiche, good word
donkey’s pastiche, good
diss !
r e p l y
yeah these guys have started to home in on me, i think i am slipping out of reddit zen by the back door now, no more
OP’s and let the comments wind up !
dealing with these thugs is just too tiring !
the people on r|zen are really the same as brad warner gets touring “ lifestyle enhancers ”
, you know, wall paper for drug use, wall paper for religious cretinism, the list
is endless goes on !
an exercise that may help prevent migraine is to twist the head left and right several times so you look back over your shoulder !
also nodding the head fully up and down and side to side slowly !
i’m not sure what this does
, knead the vagus nerves carotid arteries and jugular veins ?
be careful not to cause or exacerbate any joint problems
i really like this blog
post of brad warner’s, i think what he is saying is its one thing to sell books, its another to meet the readers and there is a huge difference in financial viability and trauma !
unfortunately his attempting to make a living as a zen master has led him into the latter and not the former more benign book writers environment !
you can hear
the saz in the beginning piece of this
BUT! I can see myself out, because the Nzùmbe is actually a rather profound idea when not used as a horror cliché : Another soul in one’s body ?
Does that remind anyone of “ trains ” and changing oneself ? ”
you are just
shambling memes together in an unmeaningful way !
creating a donkey’s pastiche or something !
he to his insanity, you to yours and me to mine ! : o)
he to his insanity, you to yours
post sixty is the countdown to death !
60 is the countdown to death !
post sixty is the countdown to death
60 is the countdown to death
wandering over a waste the yellow star flowers gleam
with their spiked petals waving in the wind
the bottom line is the
brake - up suited both of us and there’s nothing else to be said
the bottom line is the
brake - up suited both of us and there’s not much more to be said
the basic problem with r|zen is the better the writing, the more likely it is to be attacked by one of the many mongoloids either offended or feel deprecated by the quality.
it is too energy sapping dealing with these people
jesus i get some wires crossed !
yes i can say it looks like schizophrenia from the outside but its not really ! ha ha
yes i can say it looks like schizophrenia from the outside but its not really !
yes i can say it looks like schizophrenia from the outside but its not really
yes i can say it looks like schizophrenia from the outside, but its not really
death and afterdeath are just ideas we have and as far as i can see, any idea of what happens is just as valid as any other !
death and after death are just ideas we have and any idea of what happens is just as valid as any other
death and afterdeath are just ideas we have and any idea of what happens is just as valid as any other
death and after death are just ideas we have and any idea of what happens is just as valid as any other
there’s a cherry tree in blossom across the carpark, seen through a tinted glass window its not the same
̱ ̱ !
there’s a cherry tree in blossom across the way, seen through a tinted glass window its not the same
̱ ̱ !
i can’t remember something and its like an argument with myself as to who is to blame for forgetting it
̱ ̱ ̱
i can’t remember something and its like an argument with myself as to who is to blame for forgetting it
i can’t remember something and its like an argument with myself as to who is to blame for forgetting
̱ ̱ ̱
i can’t remember something and its like an argument with myself as to who is to blame for forgetting
when you post on reddit zen you are going to precisely that corner of the universe where the most obnoxious, abhorrent and personally dishonest people are
don’t go there and you reduce the density of dealing with people like that hugely !
reddit zen has a problem intrinsic to writing
, when you read you are getting an unfiltered view of themselves and sometimes its disgusting !
what am i getting wrong about reality ?
what am i getting wrong about reality
when there is nothing ahead and nothing behind
when there is nothing ahead and nothing behind
̱ ̱ ̱
you’d think zennists would be more aware of what upsets them and they would react less badly
, but no
, they are less aware and react more badly
understanding zen|life is like looking at writing in a mirror and realising everything is backwards
jason comments
i had this dream where i was standing in front of a mirror and every time i blinked my eyes i was a different person
understanding zen is like looking at writing in a mirror and realising everything is backwards
understanding life is like looking at writing in a mirror and realising everything is backwards
there’s nothing to announce
, no-one else to announce to
there’s nothing to announce
, no-one to announce to
sometimes i feel the species is nothing but screaming aggression
women are machines about children
women are machines about children !
women are machines about children
god r|zen is a heap of snarls !
can’t deny it can you, the abused child who carries the attitudes of abuse into adulthood themselves
god r|zen is a heap of snarls !
article contains a good critique of mary olivers pap !
my comment on yet another dumbarse r|zenner
you have a bowl of pudding instead of a brain ?
you have a bowl of pudding instead of a brain ?
a r|zen redditor posts some made up crap !
fortunately i have the breadth of reading to recognise the multiple sources this twit has plagiarized from to make the most unholy mash !
“ The most profound is not here.
You are looking the wrong way.
So what is the right way, you ask ?
Go to the world‘s end to meet him.
You will remember him all at once ”
r e p l y
the most profound is where
looking wrong
looking right
idiots blurr
testosterone sight !
a good deepak chopra quote, actually deepak has something to him, i’m not really anti though a lot of the stuff he says is random or misguided !
“ Infinity is beyond the doorway to knowledge ”
lol, ok (ed. the quote was computer
generated ) you have to scramble what he says to get real sense !
well i still like him, he’s that rarest of jewels in the spiritual scene “ amiable ”
higher index finger to ring finger length ratios mean more
testosterone in the womb !
the heft of dogen and hakuin is different compared to
conventional expositions of precepts and vows, they are very abstract because these topics are hard to deal with otherwise
wait for the backlash to bob dylan getting the nobel literature prize, the entire committee needs firing !
the “ great plagiarist ” don’t need the money and the committee is notorious for never giving the prize to any of the great poets so what gives ?
the vastness of infinity is sacred, not man’s religious image
rephrasing bodhidharma’s rejoinder in his
conversation with the emperor wu !
dave replies
“ Then, when bodhidharma was asked
, ‘ who is standing before me ? ’
, he replied ‘ no knowing ’
. How can vastness be known ? ”
my reply
well that’s what zen is about. “ knowing what it is ”
you misunderstand the “ not knowing ”
i was just reading a very good
post by brad warner who actually seems to be slowly synchronising with me, its interesting because i am sure he doesn’t read my writings
“ I do my little song and dance routine. I give them the deepest secrets of the Universe with as little distortion as I can possibly manage. Nobody notices. Nobody gives a shit. They’re looking for lifestyle enhancements, something they can agree with or argue with. Either way it serves the same purpose ”
his travels must be developing him !
you people here just don’t accept you are here for “ lifestyle enhancements ”
what’s the big deal, you have spouses, relationships, children, income . .
zen to you is just another form of egoic income !
the vastness of infinity is sacred, not man’s religious image
rephrasing bodhidharma’s rejoinder in his
conversation with the emperor wu !
yeah your
viewpoint is that of “ buji zen ”
the real zen is the discovery of an amazing unexpected miracle, you will never make that discovery though because you are just a ‘ know all ’ fatuous idiot who can’t tell that he doesn’t have any answers !
like ewk you think such a possibility is insane yet it is you who are insane !
such is reddit life that we all natter here in the “ cloud of unmeaning ” forever !
there is something sacred !
what is it ?
beyond the beyond
“ she kisses her boyfriend while looking at me ”
she is aware of you, but has made no contact with you
that means she has rejected you
its like a hunter passing up prey as unsuitable, or the current target for whatever reason is more satisfactory !
“ how do you deal with someone denigrating ‘ your way ’ as nihilist ”
zen is only nihilist if you exclude an understanding of what it is really about
because you can’t see what it is really about, you are unable to answer the slur of it being nihilist
you treat it like buying a madonald’s product, you paid for it in time and reading, you think you have the object, yet when
some-one accuses you of being nihilist, you have no answer !
i really don’t trust any translation of dogen, a very dense style more akin to poetry than prose !
some days i just want to stare at the wall, the ceiling or the view through the windows
some days i just want to stare at the wall, the ceiling or the view through the windows
all day
some days i just want to stare at the wall, the ceiling or the view through the windows
only make yourself honey and the flies will suck you
don quixote
the more flowery and fancy the “ selfless bullshit ” the bigger the hypocrite and arsehole !
the more flowery and fancy the “ selfless bullshit ” the bigger the hypocrite and arsehole !
jon says
Maybe I can write a little.
Regarding certain autistic spectrums :
I got a job as a summer camp counsellor and had to go to town for a week long conference.
We had to introduce ourselves in front of everyone. There was about
50 people, possibly more.
Anyway, this dude came up to me later and we hit it off right away. This never happens with people for me.
I guess he was sorta on the autistic spectrum, like me ?
Regarding those that injure those on the autistic spectrum :
I remember as a child that I was learning to skate and this dude made a beeline to me.
We had a solid collision but it wasn’t too bad.
Another time my brother and I were sitting around at a gym and the same guy was shooting plastic pucks near us. He kept getting closer to us until eventually he shot directly at us, nearly hitting my brother. We both left after that.
Also, it snowed here last Wednesday and it’s here to stay.
lol, i can understand that, that’s really good, your expressive powers have really improved !
17 w r i t e s
. . like maybe there are a thing or two out there
that would just fit right in there, in my mind
but I have no idea what they’d be
beyond a sweet smile from a flaming girl . .
my reply
you are interested in women, why not try to work them out a bit better
move beyond the illusions ?
if you have to explain something to
some-one more than once they are not interested and are not going to change
lewis carroll was obviously heavily indebted to the
bab ballads !
you don’t read
quality is your problem, what makes you insane is that there is some sort of answer for you, but you won’t make the effort !
17 replies
I feel like I’ve become highly emotionally invested in not finding an answer
my reply
i don’t think you want to live
you are like a fragile flower blasted by life
you are not going to be here long
“ That’s what mental health problems do. They warp perception ” (ed. ewk)
you have pretensions to real life experience in the mental health field
your viewpoint about the field is
extraordinarily naive !
just like zen actually, you suffer from tunnel vision !
causing maximum irritation for least effort seems to be your paradigm !
causing maximal irritation for least effort seems to be your paradigm !
causing maximal irritation for least effort which seems to be your paradigm !
causing maximum irritation for least effort seems to be your paradigm
causing maximal irritation for least effort seems to be your paradigm
causing maximal irritation for least effort which seems to be your paradigm
ewk is sorta a don quixote stuck on certain “ lamp records ” as being suitable because they are semantically jumbled and life bowdlerised
sorta a don quixote stuck on certain “ lamp records ” as being suitable because they are semantically jumbled and life bowdlerised
i have always thought that the only purpose of supermarket and department store music was to
anaesthetize the staff and stop them thinking which it seems to do quite successfully
“ clouds across the sky
a bird calls
gone ”
clouds crossing the sky
enmeshing the bird’s wings
seen lately
r|zen is its own conundrum ! : o)
r|zen is its own conundrum !
r|zen is its own conundrum
wow r|zen is its own conundrum ! : o)
wow r|zen is its own conundrum !
wow r|zen is its own conundrum
don’t you think its insane to say the same thing to me three hundred times ?
don’t you think its insane to put so much of your life into reddit zen and get zen so wrong
don’t you think its insane . . i could go on . .
do you realise you could be known in a thousand years through being in my “
7th patriarch ” record because you are in it !
if you want more credit than simply being “ ewk ” just say so !
rather odd to think about that and of course neither of us can know if that will be so . .
, “ ewk ” it is, most likely posthumous fame of course !
cut and pastes don’t cut the ice
cut and pastes don’t cut
cut and pastes
cut and pastes don’t cut the ice
cut and pastes don’t cut
cut and pastes
cut and pastes don’t cut the ice
cut and pastes don’t cut
cut and pastes
cut and pastes don’t cut the ice
cut and pastes don’t cut
cut and pastes
cut and pastes don’t cut the ice
cut and pastes don’t cut
cut and paste
cut and pastes don’t cut the ice
cut and pastes don’t cut
cut and paste
there’s a resonance between certain autistic spectrum types, you stand out to each other
resonance between certain autistic spectrum types, you stand out to each other
jason writes
so last night at soccer some idiot kid fouled me and now right above my knee there’s some bruising and it’s swollen, if I didn’t have work I wouldn’t move
what I’m wondering is should I have put ice on it right away ?
r e p l y
yeah maybe right away
i don’t think you understand how work means you shouldn’t play soccer
you are now in a situation where you need to lay up, but will accentuate the injury by working
did you ever think that you may be a target to be taken out during the practice ?
when you are on autistic spectrum, there’s always arseholes who are attracted to the “ vulnerablity ” vibe and they mean to do you in !
give up soccer, its too dangerous to you, don’t go to another practice !
if they know its your last (the next practice) you might get something nasty done to you, last opportunity so to speak
i wouldn’t go unless you are keen for more learning curve !
i doubt your knee will be recovered enough anyway !
getting older means the reflexes are slower too
cut and paste doesn’t cut the ice !
cut and paste doesn’t cut the ice
no bros, zen is solipsistic !
no bros, zen is solipsistic
, if you had any poison in your fangs its long gone, depleted by age and overuse !
ewk, if you had any poison in your fangs its long gone, depleted by age and overuse
if you had any poison in your fangs its long gone, depleted by age and overuse !
if you had any poison in your fangs its long gone, depleted by age and overuse
the endless posting of quotes like it means something
the endless pontification like it means something
the endless telling of others their state like it means something
anything ?
the endless posting of quotes
like it means something
the endless pontification like it means something
the endless telling of others their state like it means something
anything ?
brains used for cooking have to be fresh in my experience
whole frozen brains also do something
the french are big eaters of frozen brains from new zealand lambs !
you should notice a distinct improvement in thinking from eating brains within half a day
brains used for cooking have to be fresh in my experience
whole frozen brains also do something
brains used for cooking have to be fresh in my experience, whole frozen brains also do something
“ I usually am very energized. As soon as I’m awake I jump out of bed ”
you could try folapro as per this
link , its not right to wake energized like that
a lot of people smoke pot to help with sleep, but there are much better ways to approach the problem
see pot is toxic to the brain and that’s the big problem with drug use, brain and other organ damage or cancer induction !
so the basic issue with drug use is damage and on the self medicating aspect there are better ways to deal with the problems and i don’t mean meds though that cannot be entirely ruled out !
drug experiences are almost meaningless in terms of what zen is about, they lack the necessary coherence
i know pot is toxic for sure because tiny tiny amounts have a protective hormetic effect against strokes, that is, pot in very small quantities is toxic enough to induce a stress response in the brain !
fugue states of infinity speak for themselves
“ I like to stare at trees
Honestly trees are so amazing. They make my spine tingle and they glow and they move so perfectly in the wind and omg ”
staring at trees is fugue state of infinity
yeah five hours is not enough
i sleep that then another two hours in day every second or third day
i can see why solitary contemplation is frightening to you, having to face up to semantic paucities and idiocies
i can see why solitary contemplation is frightening to you, have to face up to semantic paucities and idiocies
you are approaching non-euclidean geometry with a euclidean mindset
“ I’m still interested in talking about that if you’re willing ?
Uncaused dharma and all experience not being a framework of thought like you mentioned ? ”
that’s where you need experience and no amount of chat will help !
what do you think the zen masters are saying ?
you are approaching
non-euclidean geometry with a euclidean mindset
its just not working !
deflection is sophism !
deflection is sophism
deflection which you continually do when pressed is sophism !
deflection which you continually do when pressed is sophism
cogency and salience matter
cogency and salience matter though
an extract from dog_barking’s
“ relative frameworks of thought formed by a continuity is all anyone can claim to experience ”
yeah that’s a very good statement of “ buji zen ”
in other words, just a form of materialism, material reality is the ultimate which for example in ewk’s case seems to be some form of imagined psychiatric orthodoxy!
the problem with that is there’s too much ground to cover to understand what reality is ultimately about, one lifetime doesn’t scratch the surface
so this is where the “ real zen ” comes in
“ The fourth type is the pure meditation of the Tathāgata, the meditation of those who have reached the Tathāgata stage in which one attains the uncaused universal wisdom of the Dharma realm ”
without the uncaused universal wisdom its just hopeless
visionary experience and fugues with infinity are the strongest forms of that “ uncaused wisdom ”
it also occurs unconciously
i find even buddhists completely diss this real zen which is why to me they are also “ buji ”
dog_barking replies
This uncaused dharma you speak of is no different in life or death correct ?
my reply
the uncaused dharma is the actuality of the contact of infinity with ourselves
life or death has no context there . .
“ I don’t know what would be nonsense ”
well its zen to sort out what is and isn’t
i have no hope you will understand that
zen is beyond insanity and sanity, why not go there
, that is beyond . .
i asked ewk if he ever had an alcohol problem at one point or had done drugs ?
he deflected in his answer so i replied
i asked you a question that you haven’t replied to !
how can you understand zen if you box yourself away so you can’t be seen ?
what zen master did that ?
the whole art of zen is revealing yourself in a way that is useful, though the hurt that often follows is too much for the bullshitters, that’s what sorts the sheep from the goats
just can’t see yourself as impaired can you ?
ewk replies
we can’t have a conversation about anything as long as you make your mental health problem the start and end of every conversation
my reply
zen is beyond insanity and sanity, why not go there
, that is beyond . .
askreddit “ What is your CraigsList ‘ horror ’ story ? ”
When I was
21 I tried to kill myself by taking half a bottle of xanax and posting an ad to craigslist asking for someone to come get me. Someone did. He took me back to his place and as soon as he gave me a glass of wine I knew something bad was going to happen, but I’d asked for it. Well, I hadn’t asked for it, but I’d made a CraigsList posting saying I took a bunch of pills and need someone to get me. I was practically comatose and only vaguely remember, but he proceeded to date rape me and beat the shit out of me.
To be fair, I hated my life so much at that point I wasn’t even mad. And to his credit, had he not kept me up all night raping and beating the shit out of me I might have died. At the end of it he threw me unceremoniously in a shower and showed me all the bruises and welt he gave me before driving me home.
afterwards its a bit fuzzy, but he took me home and I never heard from him again. He had a giant, almost life size, bloody (paint) crucifix in his bedroom facing his bed. Added to the creep factor of the situation. I always remember that.
I never pressed charges. I’m not even mad about it. But, I became aware of how fucked up the people of craigslist can be that night. Had he not saved my life, it would’ve been a complete horror story.
my comment
there seems to be a constant ultraviolence in human life that we only occasionally get a glimpse of
people just project an imperfect idea and act like it is real
people just project an imperfect idea and act on it
people just project an imperfect idea and treat it like it is perfect
on reddit zen they just project an imperfect idea and act like it is real
on reddit zen they just project an imperfect idea and act on it
on reddit zen they just project an imperfect idea and treat it like it is perfect
risk factors for
high blood pressure in
mid-life, smoking, diabetes, obesity, depression, low educational attainment, genetics, drugs, pot, alcohol problems, air pollution, low vitamin D,
aluminium, silicon, selenium, pesticides
from the first stone cutting tool, technology has been instrumental to humans/homonins !
technology has shaped our history !
from the first stone cutting tool, technology has been instrumental to humans/homonins !
a chinul
to leave behind the false is called “ true ”. the numinous mirror is called “ mind ”
r e p l y
. i’ve looked at him before, seemed heterodox then !
to leave behind the false is called false
the numinous mirror is . .
numinous !
there’s limits to literalism !
there’s limits to literalism
“ when huangbo said that there were no teachers of zen he wasn’t necessarily saying that there never were (or could be) teachers ”
of necessity there are no teachers because essentially there’s no person in the first place !
zen is a crazy world of various insanities, poverty, drugs, alcohol, ex drugs ex alcohol, poor health, dementia, the biggest losers around
zen is a crazy world of insanity, poverty, drugs, alcohol, ex drugs ex alcohol, poor health, dementia, the biggest losers around
when brad warner was at tassajara, imo he was looking for them to “ take him up ” which they didn’t do and in fact treated him badly
they made a huge mistake, he could have recovered them to a more real approach to what zen is about rather than the “
anti-enlightenment formalism ” they now espouse !
jason replies
he was like a little monkey boy to them, they made him a waiter at the dining hall where the guests ate, maybe to show him off ?
i was made a waiter for two nights and worked directly with Brad, i think he was pretty good at it
zen is always short of strong young men able to do a lot of unpaid manual work !
zen is always short of strong young men able to do a lot of manual work !
i’ve stayed in a lot of centers and one monastery
, the monastery was by far the most creating of stuff that was harmful !
it was actually john loori’s monastery at mount tremper
i think its because centers are less “ zen as religion ” whereas monasteries are “ zen as religion ” full bore !
what zen is about is not a religion at all
, there’s a huge conflict there and actually this tension is really what reddit zen is about !
but even centers leave a lot to be untangled
i’ve stayed in a lot of centers and one monastery, the monastery was by far the most creating of stuff that was harmful !
you borderline personality types !
slick with narcissim ! !
you borderline personality types !
slick with narcissim !
you borderline personality types !
slick with narcissim !
you claim i’m being overly sensitive !
that’s because i don’t tolerate your crap, jesus you are the typical borderline personality on reddit zen in spades !
reddit zen is so full of phoneys !
as far from zen as you can get, all the way claiming some sort of “ enlightenment ”
ewk, you are truly crazy because only a complete retarded crazy would think they know something about anything without any real life experience of it !
you like the filtered and bowdlerised tang and song dynasty lamp records precisely because they are filtered and bowdlerised, the japanese records being later have much more real life information which you abhor precisely because of that !
i ask you, “ did dogen go to china ! ”
there’s no supermen in this game, everyone is a flawed fuckwit !
a very few get it right though !
a reddit zen
OP quoting gorgias
Knowledge cannot be communicated
1. Nothing exists
2. Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it
3. Even if something can be known about it, knowledge about it can’t be communicated to others
4. Even if it can be communicated, it cannot be understood
my reply
1. the
Op exists
2. i read and know what it is saying
3. gorgias communicated to me
4. i understood it to the extend rubbish can be understood
for god’s fucking sake, gorgias was a sophist, don’t you know what that means ?
the man commissioned a gold statue of himself !
the healing after the surgery is as important as the surgery !
the healing after the surgery is as important as the surgery
why do you waste your time thinking nonsense is sense, well there are others on reddit zen who will support you in your insane delusion of course !
hey, being the seventh patriarch means i have
“ the fourth type is the pure meditation of the tathāgata, the meditation of those who have reached the tathāgata stage in which one attains the uncaused universal wisdom of the dharma realm ”
buji can’t reach there you fake ewk!
artificial intelligence is about the acquisition of knowledge whereas zen is about exploring the constructed nature of reality !
artificial intelligence is about the acquisition of knowledge whereas zen is about exploring the constructed nature of reality
zen is seeing things truely, you don’t want to see your subpar mediocrity do you ?
zen is seeing things truely, you don’t want to see your subpar mediocrity do you
like minded
individuals morons
plenty of those !
you have the communal mindset of subpar mediocrity !
you have the communal mindset of subpar mediocrity !
you have the communal mindset of subpar mediocrity
well that can be a zen thing, once in your life
some-one shows an understanding of you
i can’t say that has ever happened to me
maybe once as well !
well that can be a zen thing, once in your life
some-one shows an understanding of you
i can’t say that has ever happened to me
maybe once !
well that can be a zen thing, once in your life
some-one shows an understanding of you
she would have been very aware of
your infatuation and made some assessments about you, that you were harmless and damaged
you won’t understand this at your age but so far you have got lucky and if you remain celibate you will remain lucky, or at least as lucky as is viable !
work as a slave at green gulch !
“ guest student - pay
25 dollars a day
AND you get to work for
6 hours ”
lol, depressives only need apply !
“ guaranteed continued mental illness ! ”
ed. jason in quotes
the tale of genji, the complexity of love in open plan houses !
women always keep
“ back-ups ”
off you trot
women always keep
“ back-ups ”
off you trot
women always keep
“ back-ups ”
off you trot !
you are too obviously damaged to be attractive to women !
“ ordinary mind ” zen is just a cartload of the meiji shit that you buy into despite you being so roundly rejected by women !
why are the insane so tame ?
why are the insane so tame
fourth rate academics are all projection and no reality !
fourth rate academics are all projection and no reality
well its easy for a fourth rate troll to pick up a fourth rate academic !
well its easy for a fourth rate troll to pick up a fourth rate academic
zen seems to attract
fourth rate academics !
zen seems to attract fourth rate academics
the most “ zen ”
movie i have come across
you have to watch the video twice “ to get into it ”
mackowski replies
haha you just linked the intro to the movie that i swear made me want to suicide
my reply
see the real zen makes you want to suicide, no wonder you spend your time bullshitting !
the most “ zen ”
movie i have come across
you have to watch the video twice “ to get into it ”
if you really do zen, you will have no idea of what it is because it is you and we can’t know ourselves !
if you really do zen, you will have no idea of what it is because it is you and we can’t know ourselves
think like a writer, try writing something that is condensed and interesting, develop the skill, you don’t want to be posting on reddit zen for ten years and still writing incomprehensible blather !
you don’t understand salience, that is keeping focus and pulling out the essential, like i was asking about your real life experience of lithium even if you haven’t taken it yourself and even in your latest reply you are still deflecting
your zen is deflecting, just a life crap path that !
a shame to write half a million words and be as dribbling at the end as when you started !
religion and life amaze me with the vigour and aggression with which they defend complete bullshit and charles bukowski makes the same observation
what always amazes me and charles bukowski makes the same observation, is the vigour and aggression with which complete bullshit is defended !
zen has huge issue with the transmission system turning out incompetent teachers, like 99.9% of what’s there !
if you bullshit, there’s always going to be a better bullshitter and nonduality/neo advatia is that and has reamed zen numerically !
can’t you write anything understandable in english ?
despite my asking several times for specific detail you still just waffle generalised bullshit and are unable to give any actual account of what you did !
can be a farce, doesn’t matter, just be real !
god supposedly you are doing zen yet you can only write evasively and get indignant when you get called up on it
you’re single guy up against couples, they are designed to ream you !
you’re single guy up against couples, they are designed to ream you
i put a quarter tab of the
1000 microgram jarrow methyl
B-12 under my tongue yesterday, first time for six months and feel much “ clearer ” and more energetic today, it really does something !
as i said before, hyperentitlement with hamfisted obnoxiousness don’t go together !
as i said before, hyperentitlement with hamfisted obnoxiousness don’t go together
the reddit zen attack
bring up your heavy artillery
find the largest bore gun
put your head down the muzzle
pull the firing lanyard !
concealing bullshit
that’s really characteristic of a dope head i am afraid !
utterly brain fucked !
why so aggressive in preserving such a dysfunctional ‘ land of illusion ’
why so aggressive in preserving such a dysfunctional ‘ land of illusion ’
why so aggressive in preserving such a dysfunctional land of illusion !
why so aggressive in preserving such a dysfunctional land of illusion
you’re a stray cat with its testicles removed caterwauling at who knows what in its confused way !
“ I’m just a wolf, howling at the moon
Don’t confuse the wolf for the moon ”
you’re a stray cat with its testicles removed caterwauling at who knows what in its confused way !
better than i thought
it would be, but its a level below enlightenment, ie rooted in drug taking and not infinity !
its really dismaying the way the real zen has been slaughtered by drug taking and the facsimiles it creates !
there’s something that doesn’t work about being obnoxious and entitled !
there’s something that doesn’t work about being obnoxious and entitled
marriage or relationship where we take up with strangers to create that most intimate of objects, children, seems to me one of the strangest things of life, its really really strange when you think about it
offputting really !
i like her business sense and management
the lyrics are bullshit
as i say your blue pill is badly programmed !
we are talking across a barrier !
99% of people come onto reddit zen looking for the blue pills of entertainment, buddhism or buji zen, but i am the real zen and its quite different
you’re one of the
99% , this is the barrier
, i’m here for education which actually you do very well for me
, i can’t and don’t want to change your terms of reference which as your obsession with grimes shows are very blue pill !
too bad you are not more comfortable in your illusion, poor programming of the pill i think ! : o()
sexual identity as a man or a woman is no more an answer than anything else
jason w r i t e s
i was at the farmer’s market weeks ago buying heavy cream and just shopping around, this lady who makes pies where i see people lined up every week was also selling blueberries
her blueberries were cheap in comparison to the blueberries i bought a couple days prior at a different market and i let her know that next week i’d buy them from her for that reason !
well next week they were more expensive !
approach is intensely female
, grimes to the nth degree, it hits your weakness exactly !
you display expecting the world to give and if you are a beautiful young woman it does !
the reality is you’re not so it doesn’t !
that actually is the way of zen masters and patriarchs, one doesn’t mesh with the world at all, and one, by the dint of one’s own aporetic dialogue with infinity moves forward, or gets or stays caught in what ever flesh grinder we are in !
“ mayor karrer and bishop chrysostomos refused nazi orders to turn in a list of the members of the town’s jewish community for deportation to the death camps
instead they hid the town’s
275 Jews in rural villages
every jew of
zakynthos survived the war ”
aporia is a doing thing, not even a question of what suits you but getting in some contemplative time and doing some quality reading !
you love emily dickinson, why not look more closely at her life and
writings ?
you seem unable to get from having an opinion to actually doing something !
the aporetic process is in effect the slow opening that comes from a dialogue with infinity
so i am subservient to that process and not outcomes in terms of people !
in terms of the process its like ewk, your intransigence and inability to move at all suits the process and me and not you
your cup will always be empty !
your cup will always be empty
everything is a dialogue, that is all !
everything is a dialogue, that is all
i’m getting older : o(
“ I feel your pain though
I fear death something fierce ”
well i’m more pissed off at the whole process !
no answers exist in this space of “ how to get ”
“ What do you not believe in...
That you know is real? ”
women’s underwear !
with aporia (a.k.a the red pill) you never enter so you never have to leave
“ How to get
? ”
no answers exist in this space of “ how to get ”
“ how to get out of how to get
? ”
you’re a macdonald’s child and won’t take the world any other way !
with aporia (a.k.a the red pill) you never enter so you never have to leave
“ How to get
? ”
no answers exist in this space of “ how to get ”
with aporia (a.k.a the red pill) you never enter so you never have to leave
its a lack of literary sophistication that leaves the suckers vulnerable to the hypnotics of
its a lack of literary sophistication that leaves the suckers vulnerable to the hypnotics of buddhism
its a lack of literary sophistication that leaves the suckers vulnerable to the hypnotics of buddhism
a good
exposition of don quixote
university departments are
small worlds !
so that’s why a sail fish has a sail, to provide
resistance while it slashes its bill around !
wolves of the sea
ewk, i never wish you to be other than as you are, because you are the most use to me as you are !
ewk, i never wish you to be other than as you are, because you are the most use to me as you are
terrance young, a photographer in tokyo who is actually very good, well worth a
browse !
finding tokyo
its a psychward and hate and love are equal, remember ! : o (
its a psychward and hate and love are equal, remember !
its a psychward and hate and love are equal, remember
reddit zen has no winners, all you can do in the end is leave
or be consumed . .
or continue to be consumed . .
she’s (claire boucher) actually quite
different from the way portrayed in her proxies
a practical sensible person, entertainment project manager !
“ Is zazen essential ? ”
ever done any or real life zen ?
i feel zazen is an important beginning stage, one has to start somewhere !
it does force a degree of reflection that never leaves you !
that is if you do shikantaza and not any of these stupid practices !
another fake or “ constructed kensho ”
peter coyote has
bullshitted all his life and doesn’t know the difference !
people like
you him only care for distortion !
why promote his bullshit then, he may not even believe it himself, its just the magazine won’t publish anything else !
she was telling you why you get committed !
too self
absorbed i’d say
it makes sense that a child’s intelligence
matches the mother’s more than the father’s, mother and child need to understand each other !
a martin heidegger quote
being-alone is a deficient mode of
its possibility is a proof for the latter
you have opinions without experience or understanding, you know what i mean ?
you have opinions without experience or understanding, you know what i mean
your thoughts are too random to reply to
your thoughts are too random to reply to
jason w r i t e s
people, not equal nor better or worse
you must have gone through life thinking you can fool people when you are quite transparent !
you must have gone through life thinking you can fool people when you are quite transparent
why would anyone prefer the dunce hypnosis of buddhism to the pearls of emily dickinson ?
why would anyone prefer the dunce hypnosis of buddhism to the pearls of emily dickinson
why would anyone prefer the dunce hypnotics of buddhism to the pearls of emily dickinson ?
why would anyone prefer the dunce hypnotics of buddhism to the pearls of emily dickinson
its very hard to find competent people you can trust in this world !
its very hard to find competent people you can trust in this world
intellectual sophistication, you know, calligraphy, writing poetry, knowing the difference between jaques derrida and martin heidegger, renaissance italian art . .
or is that a dirty word ?
zen with its minimalist morons ?
the best thing you can do for an ignorant hick is let them remain an ignorant hick
they obviously prefer it that way
you know how it is, consumers pretending to profundity !
you know how it is, consumers pretending to profundity
go back to beating up your sisters dolls !
go back to beating up your sisters dolls
“ the wreck of the
zephyr part
I by chris van allsberg, an interesting blend of the surreal, real and imaginative ! ”
huh, this comment/description was found useful for schoolwork !
“ Give or take
Same action, different mindset ”
take or give
same compaction, same hindset
“ the master said : you teach me ”
that is aporetic
OP and comment should be a learning experience
how many do that on reddit zen ?
no fixed schema !
a moomin ! : o)
my difficulties with
self satisfied pomposity !
the pompous ass thinks its all about him !
my difficulties with
self satisfied pomposity !
see how long the alt lasts (ed. on reddit zen)
, these people are like the morning dew, the sun of friction evaporates them !
poem by musō
trans. edwin cranston
from heaven fall icy petals
in the sky not a spot of blue remains
a dusting of jade covers the ground
and buries the blue mountains
the sun rises over the mountain peak
the chill pierces my bones
silence prevails
my restatement
minature petals fall from a snow cloud sky
a soft white dusts the ground
gone are the mountains
a blurred sun rises
a whisper silence
what i admire about ewk is his lack of battle
fatigue !
its always going to be like this because buddhism is logocentrist and zen is aporetic and if you look at the zen records the masters are always fighting against buddhism although its a bit masked on account of them supposedly being in that religion !
it really opened my eyes to actually read some buddhist sutras and how they are just meaningless logocentrist hypnotic nonsense . .
they cannot be reconciled with zen, no wonder some zen masters openly voiced their loathing of them !
basically its a clash of buddhism versus zen and buddhists just appear unable to accept or even grasp that logocentrism is different from the aporetic !
i think the buddhists are winning here and as soon as ewk retires the mongol hordes will overwhelm the subreddit, there’s a lot more of them . .
you get this in real life too, aporetic zen versus logocentrism, an example is
toni packer’s split from the rochester center . .
so the friction in reddit zen is a tension that has always occurred and its there in the records and history
why leave when you can stay
? !
why leave when you can stay
why leave when you can stay ?
why leave when you can stay
we get these little honest insights about ourselves and are mostly powerless to do anything about them/it !
we get these little honest insights about ourselves and are mostly powerless to do anything about them/it
, we get these little honest insights about ourselves and are mostly powerless to do anything about them/it !
, we get these little honest insights about ourselves and are mostly powerless to do anything about them/it
well, we get these little honest insights about ourselves and are mostly powerless to do anything about them/it !
well, we get these little honest insights about ourselves and are mostly powerless to do anything about them/it
well we get these little honest insights about ourselves and are mostly powerless to do anything about them/it !
well we get these little honest insights about ourselves and are mostly powerless to do anything about them/it
zen is aporiac, buddhism is logocentric, if you understand that you won’t waste your time regurgitating sutras, or being hypnotized by bullshit
there’s no such thing as a sport that doesn’t have a significant injury problem
there’s no such thing as a sport that doesn’t have a significant injury problem
there’s no such thing as a sport that doesn’t have a significant injury problem
there’s no such thing as a sport that doesn’t cause significant injuries
after all the origin of sports is battle practice !
there’s no such thing as a sport that doesn’t cause significant injuries
there’s no such thing as a sport that doesn’t cause significant injuries
there’s no such thing as a sport that doesn’t cause signficant injuires
there’s no such thing as a sport that doesn’t have a significant injury heft
the buddhist and true zen perspective are quite different
, you cannot reconcile them, though many try
the buddhist and true zen perspective are quite different
, you cannot reconcile them, no matter how much you try
terence mckenna’s
DMT experience
yeah, usual meaninglessness !
maybe it helps people with an overdefinite sense of reality ?
i’ve never done drugs , but nothing in mckenna’s description seems very interesting to me !
why should daijo zen be anything else except a nonsense category ?
why should daijo zen be anything except a nonsense category ?
the real zen is you living your own life, not copy and pasting
some-one else’s !
you really don’t get it do you! ?
the real zen is you living your own life, not copy and pasting
some-one else’s !
god another drug fucked brain on reddit zen !
: o(
god another drug fucked brain ! : o(
you drug fucks just want a polite world to put your bullshit over in and not be criticised !
you drug fucks just want a polite world to put your bullshit over in and not be criticised !
you drug fucks just want a polite world to put your bullshit over and not be criticised !
“ what really is the inexhaustible treasure ? ”
you ask, but don’t seek answers !
still getting the last word ?
still getting the last word
“ Those who speak know nothing, Those who know are silent ”
talk without doing would be the reddit zen motto wouldn’t it ?
religion is poison in the first place, but you can’t tell them !
buddhism is poison in the first place, but you can’t tell them !
poison in the first place, but you can’t tell them !
the problem with transexuals is its transexuals + schizophrenia because its schizophrenic to ignore the health problems of so throughly dislocating the developmental process
an attempt to conform the body in such a way is plain mad
you call the illusions real
call the real
you call the illusions real
you call the real illusion
reddit and its ability to foster illusions is made for you
reddit and its ability to foster illusions is made for you
reddit and its ability to foster illusions is made for you !
reddit and its ability to foster illusions is made for you
the “ veiled threat ”
people like you only shoot themselves, seen it all before, too slack to do anything except hurt themselves for being too slack to do anything !
you fill your brain full of entertainment junk, read junk, have no contemplative time and expect others to save you from the mess you are in ?
you know the nail got hit didn’t it !
. .
you fill your brain full of entertainment junk, read junk, have no contemplative time and expect others to save your from the mess you are in ?
you know the nail got hit didn’t it !
you fill your brain full of entertainment junk, read junk, have no contemplative time and expect others to save your from the mess you are in ?
you fill your brain full of entertainment junk, read junk, have no contemplative time and expect others to save you from the mess you are in
health doesn’t lie does it ?
all your crap doesn’t disguise the reality !
the plum blossom
by the gate
the same
the cherry blossoms
by the gate
the same
the cherry blossoms
time waster, your specialty !
time waster, your specialty
“ I want to live on your land, eat your rice, and meditate ”
106 east road, sahara desert !
first oasis/mirage on the left !
see ya there !
“ I want to live on your land, eat your rice, and meditate ”
106 east road, sahara desert
first oasis/mirage on the left
see ya there
reddit zen is full of borderline personality types who expect the world to run around them !
reddit zen is full of borderline personality types who expect the world to run around them
naopleon bonaparte, the patron saint of short men was in fact described at the age of
46 (1815)
by an english captain as “ a remarkably strong,
well-built man, about five feet seven inches high ” which was above the average height in those times !
the bodhisattva vows are a
scientology-like “ mind control technique ”
they are such blatant crap that your sense of reality gets damaged by chanting them making you open to swallowing the endless nonsense that will follow
works pretty well i’d say !
buddhism has been around for thousands of years, they know all the tricks !
the only point of message boards is to get
your own processing from dialogues
what happens to others is not of concern as long as they don’t take some vendetta over into real life !
sepehr replies
You have a lot of patience and
I see your point, it’s all internal at the end of the day, what we say and take from conversations with others, but still, seeking conversation with walls and retarded hemulens that mutter insults can be painful
Granted, I see you don’t take the pain personally because you actually get a lot of contemplative time and solitude
I guess you learn more about yourself and inner world than anything else from this stuff
the only point of message boards is to get your own processing from dialogues
what happens to others is not of concern as long as they don’t take some vendetta over into real life !
the only point of message boards is to get your own processing from dialogues
sometimes i feel life is like moomin valley ! : o)
sometimes i feel life is like moomin valley !
sometimes i feel life is like moomin valley
ewk, i think your view of psychiatry is just as flawed as your view of zen and stems from a lack of real life experience, if not one’s own, that of others,
no-one has relatives and friends untouched, its a painful topic !
jason writes (3rd october 16)
i decided to go for a walk today when i felt slightly tired but also wanted to get some thinking done
i stepped onto the road and immediately felt like i had a lot to think about and i did
i was walking, not paying much mind to the changing leaves, even though in the woods the leaves seem to change not as quickly as the leaves on the driving roads
anyway i was lost in thought and i happened to pass a car that was parked along the side, i hope like always that i don’t see anyone else walking
somehow some person ends up behind me, i don’t know how far as i didn’t look, talking to her dog and almost instantly i cannot focus on my thinking anymore, i almost wish this person would run past me and i never hear of her again
well i continue my circular route not getting the thinking done that i wanted, at the end i realize i should’ve been resting as i donated blood earlier
i got back steps later to the farm where i fed the pigs scraps from my previous meals
i’m not going to spend my time decoding
your garblage !
i’m not going to spend my time decoding
your garblage !
i’m not going to spend my time decoding your garblage !
i’m not going to spend my time decoding your garblage
i presume you think your bizarre obfuscation is a debating technique ?
i presume you think your bizarre obfuscation is a debating technique
i think what zizek is
saying is the dissociation in zen is inevitably turned toxic and dehumanizing in any sort of political or communal context, easy to see in the meiji zen involvement as an imperial propagandist, the sexual predator behavior of western zen masters and actually the chronic mind control one sees in zen and buddhist centers !
btw his outlandish movements are tourettes syndrome !
in ewk’s world doctors and psychiatrists have the final say on “ the meaning of life ”
recently he has been telling me to ask a psychiatrist to prescribe a pill, that is chemically wipe out attaching any significance to “ mystic visions ”
because he has no real life zen experience and can’t see the need he doesn’t know that the whole structure of zen is built around visionary experiences called ‘ dai kensho ”
his viewpoint is simple western materialism, there is nothing !
in your world doctors and psychiatrists have the final say on “ the meaning of life ”
what can i say ?
yoda is autistic !
yoda is autistic
the independence struggle of india was relatively benign, but all the violence was in the partition which in hindsight given today’s world might not have been such a bad idea !
well too bad your brain is taken over by memes !
well too bad your brain is taken over by memes
no hex beats leaving people alone to persist in a straight line with their own mistakes !
no hex beats leaving people alone to persist in a straight line with their own mistakes
no hex beats leaving people alone to persist with their own mistakes !
no hex beats leaving people alone to persist with their own mistakes
what about the hex i put on you ?
by the demon of the fourfold
the twisting wraiths of insight
the occluded idiocies of hubricity
the mania of biochemical control
the torture of incipient anxieties
the meta of lunacy
maybe i should get into the business
i don’t have to ask if you have comprehension problems do i ?
i mean in the real world you must have problems, of course in this surreal retard land called reddit zen one can foster any illusion one likes about oneself !
“ I have a haiku for you :
Why so dishonest ? ”
like you he has only himself to sell and frankly its not much ! : o(
“ Why so dishonest ? ”
like you he has only himself to sell and frankly its not much ! : o(
like you he has only himself to sell and frankly its not much ! : o(
“ Look — something elusive !
Zen, not one word can be said
Yet, I want more grapes ”
the pretenders claim
marbles !
to the
would-be missionizers on reddit zen
, if you are going to drag something through the shit its going to get covered in it you know ?
to the
would-be missionizers on reddit zen, if you are going to drag something through the shit its going to get covered in it you know ?
more than you ever wanted to know about manual
transmissions ?
observation and thinking will take you a long way
observation and thinking will take you along way
observation and thinking will take you a long way
observation and thinking will take you along way
syllables do not a
poetry make, who r u fooling ?
elbowpunch replies
Fools come a flapping
They will flap until world end
Right into their grave
my r e p l y
fools come a tapping
thinking it
zen !
“ Fools come a flapping
They will flap until world end
Right into their grave ”
fools come a tapping
thinking it
zen !
syllables do not a poetry make, who r u fooling ?
syllables do not a poem make, who r u fooling ?
case 4 of the book of equanimity
as the
world-honored one was walking with the congregation, he pointed to the ground with his finger and said
, “ this spot is good to build a sanctuary ”
indra, emperor of the gods, took a blade of grass, stuck it in the ground, and said , “ the sanctuary is built ”
what really happened
as the fakir was running away pursued by the stone pelting crowd he pointed to the ground and said “ this is a good spot to shit ”
the crowd grabbed him, buried him up to his neck and said “ this is a good spot to shit ”
i am not sure if they ever unburied him !
i posted the above on reddit zen but was half minded not to post there as it was in response to
this rather than reddit zen !
go shugen, winner of the ryushin versus shugen battle !
for those who don’t know, ryushin’s experiences with ayahuasca disillusioned him with zen despite him being a certified zen master and dharma heir of john loori and he walked away/was pushed out as abbot at the mt. tremper zen monastery at the late age of
60 !
obviously the current abbot, geoffrey shugen arnold has never taken ayahuasca
be warned of its perils or spending half your life worshipping crap only in the end to find you cannot stomach it any longer !!
case 4 of the book of equanimity
as the
world-honored one was walking with the congregation, he pointed to the ground with his finger and said
, “ this spot is good to build a sanctuary ”
indra, emperor of the gods, took a blade of grass, stuck it in the ground, and said , “ the sanctuary is built ”
what really happened
as the fakir was running away pursued by the stone pelting crowd he pointed to the ground and said “ this is a good spot to shit ”
the crowd grabbed him, buried him up to his neck and said “ this is a good spot to shit ”
i am not sure if they ever unburied him !
case 4 of the book of equanimity
as the
world-honored one was walking with the congregation, he pointed to the ground with his finger and said
, “ this spot is good to build a sanctuary ”
indra, emperor of the gods, took a blade of grass, stuck it in the ground, and said , “ the sanctuary is built ”
what really happened
as the fakir was running away pursued by the stone pelting crowd he pointed to the ground and said “ this is a good spot to shit ”
the crowd grabbed him, buried him up to his neck and said “ this is a good spot to shit ”
Macleans protect (mildmint)
Water, Hydrated Silica, Sorbitol, Glycerin, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Xanthan Gum, Flavour, Titanium Dioxide, PEG-6, Sodium Flouride, Sodium Saccharin, Carrageenan, Limonene, CI 73360, CI 74260, CI 74160
Macleans extreme clean
Water, sorbitol, hydrated silica, glycerin, pentasodium triphosphate. PEG-6, alumina*, sodium lauryl sulfate, flavour, xanthan gum, cocamidopropyl betaine*, titanium dioxide,
carrageenan, sodium fluoride, sodium saccharin, sodium hydroxide, limonene,
Cl 77492 (hydrated ferric oxide)*, Cl 73360/E226 (a bad red), Cl 74160 (Phthalocyanine Blue) Cl 74260(Phthalocyanine Green)
Oral B 1·2·3
Water, Sorbitol, Hydrated Silica, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Disodium Pyrophosphate, Sodium Hydroxide, Cellulose Gum, Flavour, Carbomer, Sodium Saccharin, Sodium Fluoride, Xanthan Gum, CI 77891 (Titanium dioxide), CI 74260 (Phthalocyanine Green).
i have used all three toothpastes and am currently using the Oral B having changed from the extreme clean which may have problems, the
ingredients in it that are extra to the other two pastes have an asterix besides them !
cocamidopropyl betaine , hydrated ferric oxide and alumina may be problematic, also there is a possibility of nanoparticles in the finer ground abrasive ?
i remember as a teenager buying a
vaughan williams record, not sure exactly what but it had an impact !
lol my mother was expecting me to buy pop, i think even at that stage the differences were becoming apparent !
jason asks and quotes a reply from gesshin/claire greenwood
i thought you said gesshin banned you from her blog, maybe she just doesn’t publish your comments ?
Hi Jason,
Thank you for reading my blog. I actually haven’t banned Andrew. There’s no way to ban anyone on blogger
I’ve had the donation button for pretty much forever. As for getting page views . . . I’m not sure how I did that ! I write about what’s true for me and what I’ve learned
Thank you for reading,
well obviously from my write ups i have been reading her blog
in her reply to you, she has simply taken advantage of the ambiguity of the word “ banning ” to not mention she deletes my posts after reading them herself and sometimes taking the advice on board !
in other words she is a typical bitch !
i don’t actually blame her for removing my replies since with me commenting on her blog she would get no donations from the “ buddhists ” as well as being obviously outclassed by me
the present arrangement suits and actually since she is no longer dead broke in japan without the catastrophic stress and interesting cultural “ fish out of water ” aspect
, she has become a lot less interesting, though readers i am sure eagerly await her next disaster which in fact already seems to be happening !
to be fair this
post is sheer comic genius !
another good
post !
gesshin at her best !
“ Back out in the countryside, I walk down the hill to the last house
I’m surrounded on all sides by farms, flower gardens and green, rolling, mountains
I wish I knew the names of the flowers growing up between the rocks, and the fields of tall, yellow grass that look like wheat but aren’t wheat
It’s hot, the sky is bright blue and the sun is straight above me
I realize that if
no one comes to pick me up I’m completely lost, no cell phone, nothing, in the Japanese mountains
As I walk I can hear the sound of a nearby stream
Other than the sound of the mountain stream and my feet on the dirt road, it’s completely silent
I feel the same way I did four, five years ago : unhinged by the beauty of the countryside and the mountains
I remember years ago in the monastery, before I ordained, after everything was cleaned up from lunch I would go walking through town
The valley was so quiet it felt like it belonged to me
The roads were empty, and I would look around at the mountains encircling me, and watch the bamboo lining the hills bend in unison in the wind
I would walk pass irrigation ponds, rice paddies, yellow grass and shining, tile roofs
There were tiny flower gardens, gigantic, terrifying insects, and one, white heron who would always come to the irrigation pond and sit beside it
The green mountains seemed to melt into the valley and also hold everything in silence ”
that’s an exceptional bit of writing
, she goes from complete crap to writing the above, its a mystery !
jason asks
that is an example of the fugue state ?
r e p l y
yeah, outstanding !
man that’s good writing !
she doesn’t seem to connect the dots, its such a puzzle !
there’s no such thing as command, what i look for is
alignment of vectors
there’s authority in the perception of the alignment
you are aligned with the substrate of what zen is about so i know how you fit . .
there’s no such thing as command, what i look for is alignment of vectors
there’s authority in the perception of the alignment
quality zen masters teach performance art, joshu, hakuin; the rest teach rubbish
quality zen masters teach performance art, joshu, hakuin, the rest teach rubbish
there’s a basic insanity to politics that’s hard to get around
its not a benign world
there’s a basic insanity to politics that’s hard to get around !
its not a benign world
there’s a basic insanity to politics that’s hard to get around !
jack donaghy being
aporic !
all this fuss about
passengers , boring idiocy
, well at least two people
are doing well out of it !
reddtit zen has really acclimatized me to the fact that the vast majority of humans are stupid boring fucks that will beat up anything that makes them think !
my understanding of film “ accounting ” is they never
“ break-even ” there’s quite a history of sophistication in the industry for doing this !
reeves at
51 (chris pratt is
37) is too old to play the part !
give me your drug wrecked
suicidal, trance addicted, media phantasists, developmentally disabled
not much left for zen is there ?
composite fillings don’t increase urinary
BPA levels, ie they don’t
inorganic mercury is as or
more toxic than organic mercury
too much zinc
biases the microbiome in favour of ‘ clostridium difficile ’
a low protein diet for
jason writes
i’m pretty much angry all the time these days
my comment
a biofilm problem or virus does that for me !
ewk, its no coincidence that you are attracted to the ‘ life bowdlerized ’ tang and song dynasty zen records and find the more life detailed dogen and hakuin so antithetical !
its no coincidence that you are attracted to the ‘ life bowdlerized ’ tang and song dynasty zen records and find the more life detailed dogen and hakuin so antithetical !
“ Would you say that there is an original identity ?
One that can be known in the possibility of completely reversing this ‘ fugue state ’ ? ”
the approach to the fugue state is a loss of identity so you are really positing a contradiction in terms !
“ Well, in terms of psychology there is an assumption that reversing the fugue state one returns to their actual identity
The amnesia and loss of identity can sometimes allow the formation of a new identity
So you’re saying there’s a fundamental identity ? ”
its more like a traversal from the fugue state and if its truly that then the return point is different which is why it is so frightening to people
the fugue state needs to be
non-amnesiac so that it can be linked with your life as an identity
if it really happens you will become more aporic, not so much a new identity . .
in fact aporism is the best that can be hoped for
but the substrate of aporism is meaninglessness, people have extreme difficulty with this . . !
what has freaked me out in recent years as i understand more about this is the degree to which parallel or
look-alike constructs can be forged and people go through these fake processes and end up disaster areas and total arseholes . .
“ Sometimes, though, that’s why these provisional frameworks can help. Recreating
look-alike constructs, while adhering to principle, can diminish being an arsehole ”
where zen helped me was retreats and weekly sitting
since all the “ provisional frameworks ” were garbled i was able to ignore them and just work from my own reading and thinking
look-alike constructs unfortunately just seem to reflect the natural human hubricity, amplify it into a truly schizophrenic disaster which is what zen turns out to be !
“ Do you think there’s a possibility that somewhere along the way you drew a line between yourself and everyone else that doesn’t live up to your expectations of what you believe is “ best ” ? ”
the world marches to the drum of “ breeding ” and if you say there’s an eternal light that “ breeding ” is only a dim reflection of, it gets nasty !
there’s no such thing as best, there’s this light and fugue states of it . .
the fugue is the marvel of infinity . .
so religion is communal and mysticism is solipsist !
so religion is communal and mysticism is solipsist
reddit zen
, enter
take out your brains, put on the hat of belligerence and squeeze the paste of stupidity in through your ears !
reddit zen enter here, take out your brains, put on the hat of belligerence and squeeze the paste of stupidity in through your ears !
i think what is distressing about reddit zen is not the malevolence or “ barrow pushing ” but
the sheer stupidity !
i think what is distressing about reddit zen is not the malevolence or “ barrow pushing ” but
the sheer stupidity !
pickled pie asks
Still taking that lithium ?
my r e ply
i put a couple of twenties ? of micrograms in my
drinking water storage containers.
works well, but that would be too tame for you and works well rather than screws my brain !
what can i say, you use zen for wallpaper in your alcohol and drug room !
pickled pie replies
You’re quite sincere aren’t you !
What manner of reality might I otherwise have ?
my reply
none since people never vary from their “ average ”
in your case this is a
querulous idiocy !
i feel you are coming more from a “ monolithic ” or asian view of buddhism, rather than the japanese who are extremely eclectic, buddhism is just one of a number of religious toys/anime super powers they “ play with ”
so with western zen which is predominantly japanese (or korean) there’s an ambiguity about the “ buddhist ” aspect, you know, its just something we do while the “ real work ” is done . .
that is, there is an denial of the validity of buddhism which you do not get in mainland asia
the way i view buddhism is its really a “ wiki ” and the way it appears is due to the historical technologies and with gutenberg press publishing and now the internet the technologies have changed and i really hold to heidegger’s view of human history being shaped by technology !
Religion and
Cowardice go together ”
historically i think you can take “ murder ” as being the real life reddit downvote equivalent, in the end that’s the bottom line that keeps people kowtowing to whatever !
it doesn’t take courage for a group of people to kill a dissenter !
history is full of it !
ewk got heavily downvoted for his
comment on the heart sutra, what i find amusing is that not one of the downvoters will have ever in fact attended a service and chanted it, they are all pursuing some imaginary idea . .
reddit zen is an imaginary zen . .
disrupt it with any sort of reality and you get downvoted . .
“ all phenomena bear the mark of emptiness ”
ed. quote is
r e p l y
phenomena is an illusion, how much more so “ the mark of emptiness ”
when i was in zen and we used to chant the heart sutra, i thought, what a load of shit, but now i can see its part of the hypnotic process of liturgy, i don’t know why i escaped and the others didn’t ! ?
yeah escaped the crap and moved into the real
well i guess i was always into the real
my childhood dai kensho meant i was always into “ the real ”
, ‘ ultimate reality ’ is another way of putting it
this experience is so what differentiates zen from other religions, until it occurs you will never believe or see or understand what is beyond
sepehr quotes me and writes
“ so reddit zen is an argument back and forth about what zen is, but zen is simply what you make it, but
no-one makes it they endlessly argue . .
there are many questions to which there are no answers, that is, the answer is the direction taken in one’s life ! ”
That’s basically what a fever dream is like
r e p l y
i don’t take drugs if that’s what you mean by a “ fever dream ”
“ there are many questions to which there are no answers, that is, the answer is the direction taken in one’s life ! ”
i like that homily !
sepehr’s reply
I meant to just quote this part . . .
“ so reddit zen is an argument back and forth about what zen is . . ”
That’s basically what a fever dream is like
Fever dreams can occur from a fever or drugs
When I was a kid, I would be fed bad food because my grandma and mom were stupid and didn’t understand proper nutrition
I would become ill a lot and have fever dreams
I prefer the dreams that’re more like fugues
r e p l y
good comment sepehr, your real life, that’s what makes tove jansson and the moomins so compelling, they were her parents, family and childhood life !
donna william’s breast cancer has
metastasized into her liver and spine !
sometimes i feel life can be too hard and maybe now its approaching the end she is /feels relieved !
certainly there’s a mellowness with her recent posts that was not there before !
“ i knew
identical twins
one jumped off a bridge and the other blew his brains out after he identified his brother’s body ”
maybe you are not wrong about being a skull . .
i find people do know themselves when you get down to it !
what i am saying and you are really not hearing it, is you write junk !
zenthrowaway17 made a good reply (ed. he was not who i addressed my comment to!)
I just imagined a pen moving along paper, scrap metal and broken washing machines appearing as it flowed
what i am saying and you are really not hearing it is you write junk !
the basic point i was making was that if you had a real aptitude and interest in software you would already be doing it, there’s all the resources you need on the web free and if you put in a year programming on one of the many volunteer programming projects on the web, you would be employable !
success in life comes from being paid for something you have a strong natural talent for, one needs to work out what those talents are in fact because some of us, finding everything difficult, expect that as the norm and only are attracted to what we find difficult which is the wrong way to go !
if you are lana del ray you can make
money writing
, otherwise no !
buddhism has these vast bodies of writing they call sutras. like i was looking at the “ flower ornament sutra ” and its just endless unmitigated bullshit, so its been around in various forms probably for thousands of years, the question is why since its just junk, there must have been an interested group of people pushing it for their benefit!
so reading a bit of that
sutra it becomes apparent that it is a sophisticated, hypnotic device for encouraging donations !
‘ faith ’ is actually a hypnotic device for proxying any real doing into financial support for others who will ‘ do ’ for you !
it both sets up monks etc as people doing something worthy and says that such people should be supported financially !
this fits with buddhism’s early origins as a
merchant bank !
buddhism has these vast bodies of writing they call sutras. like i was looking at the “ flower ornament sutra ” and its just endless unmitigated bullshit, so its been around in various forms probably for thousands of years, the question is why since its just junk, there must have been an interested group of people pushing it for their benefit!
so reading a bit of that
sutra it becomes apparent that it is a sophisticated, hypnotic device for encouraging donations !
it both sets up monks etc as people doing something worthy and says that such people should be supported financially !
this fits with buddhism’s early origins as a merchant bank !
‘ faith ’ is actually a hypnotic device for proxying any real doing into financial support for others who will ‘ do ’ for you !
so reddit zen is an argument back and forth about what zen is, but zen is simply what you make it,
but no-one makes it, they endlessly argue . .
so reddit zen is an argument back and forth about what zen is, but zen is simply what you make it,
but no-one makes it they endlessly argue . .
there are many questions to which there are no answers, that is, the answer is the direction taken in one’s life
there are many questions to which there are no answers, that is, the answer is the direction taken in one’s life
there are many questions to which there are no answers, that is, the answer is the direction taken
i think the thing about drug users is they are completely inconsiderate, the use amplifies the natural human hubricity !
i think zen is a religion in denial that its a religion !
if you want to know how women think, read
a book by a woman !
heian court
jason writes
things donʼt usually work out the way you imagine them
imagination being a completely alternate universe !
another way of looking at reddit zen is drug users trying to inform ‘ their use ’ with what zen is about !
since drug use is in a contrary direction to what zen is about, its a hopeless task . .
another way of looking at reddit zen is drug users trying to inform their use with what zen is about !
since drug use is in a contrary direction to what zen is about, its a hopeless task . .
when prisoners escaped from
a gulag they would take a “ korova ” with them
this was a prisoner that the other escapees tricked into coming with them to serve as nourishment when the time came during the long escape
korova means cow and they would consume his liver and blood, the only parts you can eat raw without getting sick
so my great uncle was an imprisoned carpenter in one of these gulags
the story goes that he was told by the intending escapees to put a secret compartment in the wagon/trailer he was building for them so that they could smuggle him out
he knew he would be going to get eaten so he said heʼd build the compartment but he was not going with them
he tried to track down his friend who went with them but that was the last record of him
the friend knew they intended to eat him but he said heʼd take his chances and hope he could work out a deal or kill them first
my Grandmom once helped a women who was a “ Displaced Person ” from Poland who resettled in the US (Polish Philadelphia)
One day the woman fell down and clearly needed help getting to a hospital (appendicitis)
She refused to pay for a cab and only did so once my Grandmom gave her money and forced her into the cab
Turns out the women had been sent to a resettlement/Gulag area in Siberia during the war
When my grandmom questioned her later about why she didnʼt want to pay for a cab to the hospital when she had money the woman said it was a waste of money
When she had been in Siberia there was no food so when the children died they ate them
You donʼt waste money on a cab after you've been through that
lighthouse used as the model for the one on the island in ‘ moominpappa at sea ’
people have no idea how much they give away about themselves on facebook, if you read between the lines its scary !
. .
people have no idea how much they give away about themselves on facebook, if you read between the lines its scary !
people have no idea how much they give away about themselves on facebook, if you read between the lines its scary
“ wow, Iʼm dumb . . . . donʼt eat a gigantic salad before bedtime ”
my comment
i think sheʼs sorta classic ibs, would really benefit from dropping uncooked foods and going scd/bcd, but you canʼt tell people !
i do find i need at least four hours between a large meal and bed !
“ by the old ohio where the
shy violets grow ”
tatiana eva-marie
“ no contact ” best expresses how pissed off i am at the way you have treated me
“ no contact ” best expresses how pissed off i am at the way you treated me
“ no contact ” best expresses how pissed off i am at the way you have treated me
the more i understand about women, the more i question existance
the more i understand about women, the more i question existance
the basic thing the net has done is fragment the mass markets
so while everybody is guaranteed an audience (even me!) the markets are smaller and less economic and depending on the size donʼt support any (or may permit) a limited overhead
translation : you have to do everything yourself and i must say i have learnt a lot about editing over the years !
i was going to post a “ crusts ” poem on reddit zen, but i canʼt do that anymore, i have a horror of the replies now, fetid idiots and their oozy slime they call words !
i typed out the post and spaced it and it is just sitting there unsent !
“ I was
pick-pocketed a few months ago in Dublin, was absolutely kicking myself over it as Iʼd just gotten back from a week of being hyper vigilant in Barcelona only to have my phone stolen in my own city
gypsy woman came up to me and a group of friends and started trying to get the lads to buy a rose and was being really pushy about it, saying “ oh you sexy, so sexy you want to buy a rose hmm ? ” so I told her to go away and she immediately got right up in my face really threateningly and started stroking my hair/face and yelling at me to buy a rose
Pushed her off me and she stormed off swearing to herself. Half an hour later went to check my phone and realised my bag was open and it was gone
At first I wasnʼt
100% sure whether sheʼd taken it or Iʼd just lost it but then I signed into my Google account the next day and could see it had last been used hours after that
Sneaky bitch ”
has reddit zen become increasingly attractive to the more “ clinically disabled ” schizophrenics ?
its now a playground for schizophrenia ! ?
how it ended, not with bang but by mentally ill babble ?
i did notice with my previous ownership of message boards that it was necessary to ban schizophrenics, however the ability to call that with finesse is a skill that will be beyond the r/zen moderators so i guess it will lurch on in that way forever !
the old grandfather clock in the hallway ticked on to midnight
it said
to remain sane you need to write a poem occasionally that keeps you sane
this is one of them !
the old grandfather clock in the hallway ticked on to midnight
it said
the grandfather clock in the hallway ticked on to midnight
it said
fighting over crusts of bread
this crust is one day old
this crust is four days old
this crust is six
fighting over crusts of bread
this crust is two days old
this crust is five
reddit zen
fighting over crusts of bread
this crust is one day old
this crust is four days old
this crust is six
reddit zen
fighting over crusts of bread
this crust is two days old
this crust is five
sepehr to zakaj : anyways, why do you come onto the
7th patriarch blog ?
you even told me in messages that you donʼt like solitude in natural scenery
you said you donʼt even like taking solitary strolls in beautiful slovenia
zakaj : yes, its a valid question
andrew : you just want to find something you resonate with !
zakaj : i think the resonance is with the rivers here
i love going to the river in the summer
aesthetically, the most beautiful thing about nature is fire
iʼve always loved bonfires
zakaj : when i was in japan, i equally enjoyed the peaceful zen gardens and the metropolis in osaka
i canʼt feel that i approve of one, and reject the other
andrew : i enjoy gardens and parks in cities, who is asking you to reject them ?
zakaj : your blog is about zen — and i am obviously not the zen type
andrew : its more like zen is about something, that something is universal !
there is a depth in fugue states with infinity
that is what it is about !
raichō hiratsuka, a cause célèbre in
1908, an elopement with a writer, the intended aim of a dostoevsky like murder of her by her partner only he finked out and wrote a best selling novel about it !
pages 112 to 118
when i think of reddit zen and zen in general they are just ordinary minds trying to cope with something well beyond their ken !
when i think of reddit zen and zen in general they are just ordinary minds trying to cope with something well beyond their ken
jason writes
laying on the picnic tableʼs bench
above light pours through fall changing leaves
the occasional leaf falls
behind the cows sniff
to my right a beautifully shaped tall tree
with a strong gust all of its foliage shakes
jason writes
reddit zen is basically a gathering of idiots that all scream “ iʼm right, iʼm right ”
linked without comment
one thing that is obvious about international politics is the impossibility of creating limited nice solutions
one thing that is obvious about international politics is the impossibility of creating limited nice solutions
what is your favorite teaching right now ? ”
post on reddit zen and expect a fight !
post on reddit zen and expect a fight !
post on reddit zen and expect a fight
jason writes
lithium water is not so out of the box when you have people taking psychiatric doses
I was friends with this girl who was taking
2000mg of some form of lithium for her bipolar disorder
i think she took it on a need basis, and maybe it was
2000mg at the time because she was very sick ? according to her psychiatrist
r e p l y
2 grams a day of lithium ? i donʼt know how people do it ?
her liver will be fucked !
you wouldnʼt last a week on
the advantage of a radiative wood heater (no external baffles or shields) is if there are draughts since the heat is given off by infrared radiation and your getting warm is not dependent on the room being sealed and warm air not escaping !
moomintroll and the comet
I and
“ . . walking around with her boyfriend ”
now he is doing you such a big favour you should give him some money
monk : what is zen
the 7th patriarch : stale bread
the monk is stunned
monk : what is zen ?
the 7th patriarch : stale bread
the monk is stunned
monk : what is zen ?
the 7th patriarch : stale bread
the monk is stunned !
monk : what is zen ?
the 7th patriarch : stale bread
the monk is stunned
youʼre right, you
are drowning and i shouldnʼt be concerned !
“ as the summer passes by it has always been too short, like the dreams on my mind ”
you need to feel those lyrics more !
why live on the stale bread of zen ?
“ as the summer passes by it has always been too short, like the
dreams on my mind ”
well getting older is drowning me too !
well getting older is drowning me too
aggression is no substitute for sense !
aggression is no substitute for sense
you know what gladdens my heart ?
seeing people fighting each other rather than me
you know what gladdens my heart ?
seeing people fighting each other rather than me
you know what gladdens my heart ?
seeing people fighting each other rather than me !
you know what gladdens my heart ?
seeing people fighting each other rather than me
how to post on reddit zen
find some big words you have absolutely no clue about the meaning of, or better still have no real meaning
ruthlessly excoriate anything that relates to real life
absolutely limit your reading and never read anything outside zen and very little in it
endless manga, anime and other junk is permitted !
young men, donʼt worry, you will get old and ugly and no longer appeal to pretty girls
, though they will still appeal to you !
love is a boundary condition of one self and another !
love is a boundary condition of one self and another
spiritual bullshit is often a front for a lot of nastiness behind the scenes, you already found that out !
spiritual bullshit is often a front for a lot of nastiness behind the scenes
in unsafe situations, observe from a distance !
in unsafe situations, observe from a distance
i was just reading how jim carrey is being
sued for giving a lover (who committed suicide) both types of herpes and gonorrhea
never a word in the press until now !
jason writes
. . i was just thinking about how iʼm the only one doing the work for myself as much as i donʼt want to be . . .
my comment
thatʼs always how it is
you canʼt reason a person out of schizophrenia !
thatʼs because the reasoning process is itself flawed !
you canʼt reason a person out of schizophrenia !
thatʼs because the reasoning process is itself flawed
you canʼt reason a person out of schizophrenia !
you canʼt reason a person out of schizophrenia
is empty crypticism a millennial thing ?
that is, writing or saying something that looks like it might be cryptic but is just badly stitched nonsense ?
whatʼs the point of writing garbage, honestly !
youʼre just in a fake space !
why ?
writing in an obscure fashion does not disguise its vacuity !
writing in an obscure fashion does not disguise its vacuity
with my usual clumbsiness i dropped a punnet of blueberries on the floor at the checkout and it burst open spilling blueberries under the shopping cart !
it was before rush hour and quiet enough that there was only one woman behind me in the queue, she appeared to be an expert on this subject and told/advised me not to move the cart as this would result in squashed blueberries, the avoidance of this horror the checkout clerk also chimed in about and the woman behind me and myself both scrabbled about on the floor picking them up !
even further she answered my query as to whether the blueberries came from tasmania or the mainland and she said the mainland, they were having a very good season this year, whereas the blueberries grown just further up the coast had some sort of “ rust ” problem !
the clerk offered to replace the punnet but i declined . .
interestingly i remembered her as a young girl maybe
15 years ago in the same job and now she was
30 or so, the usual suburban life, quite a change !
i suspect the std has turned into a major issue, she may have even unconciously intended to infect you to bind you to her !
ruthless !
narcissism parading as knowledge
narcissism parading as knowledge
narcissism parading as knowledge
reddit zen is a junkyard of developmental and drug damaged wreckage !
“ recreational drugs ” of necessity directly affect the brain
most medical drugs are not designed to do that, though of course they may
but the heft of “ recreational ” is damage on that very plastic organ !
you can tell the casualties, they canʼt think straight or write coherently
i donʼt say “ recreational ” is evil, my only objection
drug use leads to a faux zen road, screwing oneʼs brain up and to get a glimmer of having done that to oneself must be upsetting !
lol, yeah meth or something for the brain with holes in !
i have about
50ml of red wine a day in the cooking to help with my digestion, thatʼs sort of a self medication . .
so maybe thereʼs windows of utility
people use pot to help with
sleep but even small amounts of it are toxic to the brain
however from a zen point of view, the altered states of recreational drugs are simply the wrong road
which leaves the question of the brain being permanently damaged .
i have never seen anyone who has taken drugs to any significant extent have the sort of understanding the real zen requires !
for them zen is just some nice wallpaper for the smoking room !
anything that affects the brain must have flow on effects on plasticity
this in itself is problematic
look at all the idiots ayahuasca is churning out and all the lsd wrecked pop stars back in the day !
i know of no drug that accesses the brain in the right way !
these people just litter the world as
semi-schizophrenic wrecks, here on reddit zen as well !
then toft began thinking of himself, his dream about meeting the family again had become so enormous that it made him feel tired, the whole of moomin valley had somehow become unreal, the house, the garden and the river were nothing but a play of shadows on the screen and toft no longer knew what was real and what was only in his imagination
just before the sun went down, it threw a shaft of light through the clouds, cold and
wintery-yellow, making the whole world look very desolate and then toft saw the
storm-lantern moominpappa had hung at the top of the mast, it threw a gentle warm light and burned steadily
the boat was a very very long way away
the above quotes are from ‘ moomin valley in november ’ by tove jansson
now howʼs
this for ironic !
fantasia meets the imperial
naval recruiting program !
interestingly it has a hidden subversion, thereʼs a drowning scene implying that all was not going well for the navy, who in fact were suffering horrendous losses at allied hands !
another canadian
video from jon
my comment
i donʼt have a video camera, maybe i should get one !
video beats photos hands down imo !
i donʼt know the people in this
trip on the west coast here, but its got good photos, they had an interesting day !
elbowpunch writes
Zaddar, I wish someone would do you a favor and slap the shit out of you
Why donʼt your turn the perceptive light of yours around and shine it on your mile high wall of bullshit
r e p l y
the sort of favour your parents did for you ?
perpetuating the cycle ?
your mishappen skull from beatings ?
that sort of talk who are you hurting ?
part of a reply by elbowpunch
. . . bullies have integrity because they risk something . . .
r e p l y
you have a fucked up attitude !
youʼve actually internalised violence as a problem solving tool, like you want to make me not challenge your viewpoints by “ slapping me around ”
honestly i have done a heap of hunting which is as violent as it gets short of humans . .
elbowpunch replies
and youʼre creepy too. Have a good night.
my reply
whatʼs creepy is you defending and utilising the mindset that has so both physically and mentally damaged you !
you have joined the borg that so hurt you !
tove janssonʼs summers on
remote islands inform her work with self awareness and solipsism !
her life
have another comfy convo with your pysch and take another medication, or are there no answers in that box ?
do yourself a favour and
watch the whole thing !
have another comfy convo with your pysch and take another medication, or are there no answers in that box ?
when people just bullshit
i notice user/serenemountain has deleted his account
i doubt he has become any more enlightened
why do people put all that energy into spouting the most complete crap then delete their accounts when they get frizzled by some tiny ray of light ?
zenthrowaway17 replies
Maybe he got a girlfriend and she told him to stop wasting his time here on reddit zen ?
r e p l y
no girl would be as important to him as his belief in his “ dia kensho ” !
nah he got conflicted somehow !
enjoy the celibate life while you can !
discordianism is in fact a cliché concordity !
discordianism is in fact a cliché concordity
discordianism is a cliché concordity !
discordianism is a cliché concordity
“ Why do people think zen masters are extinct ? ”
what does it mean to be a zen master ?
what does it mean to be a zen master
what does it mean to be a zen
what does it mean to be a
what does it mean to be
what does it mean to
what does it mean
what does it
what does
what does it mean to be a zen master ?
what does it mean to be a zen master
what does it mean to be a zen
what does it mean to be a
what does it mean to be
what does it mean to
what does it mean
what does it
what does
the female world only takes one moral from anjelina jolieʼs divorce of brad pitt, donʼt get your breasts cut off if you want to keep your man !
as far as i can see it was an unnecessary operation !
meiji zen which is what you would pick up in japan is like a disease that takes ten or twenty years to get rid of !
if you read back through claire greenwood/gesshinʼs
blog , you can smell the burning flesh !
meiji zen which is what you would pick up in japan is like a disease that takes ten or twenty years to get rid of !
meiji zen which is what you would pick up in japan is like a disease that takes ten or twenty years to get rid of
meiji zen is like a disease that takes ten or twenty years to get rid of !
meiji zen is like a disease that takes ten or twenty years to get rid of
planetbyter writes
raise your voice at the top of the mountains
only to hear them talk back to you
a fallen flower never returns to the branch
a broken mirror remains nonetheless broken
my reply
let the mountain tops shushh you
a fallen flower returns to the branch
as for mirrors ?
neither broken or not ?
planetbyter replies
Nevertheless deluded
my reply
look the game is to write another poem showing me up if you think thatʼs the case, but of course, outclassed, you wimper in the weeds !
pretend mountain shouter !
well at least you are writing something of your own !
enlightened you are not !
actually this is rather like the sixth patriarch
versus shen hsiu
wittgenstein had an uneven life !
wittgenstein had an uneven life
the crash of
lady be good is like something out of
Кин-дза-дза , they mistook the desert for the sea, overshot their target and followed a radio beacon signal that couldnʼt distinguish before and after their base !
their plane landed almost intact without a pilot or crew and they walked north to their deaths when they would have likely survived walking to the south to an oasis !
what reddit zen is good for is like being in an insane asylum without having to go into one in real life !
what reddit zen is good for is like being in an insane asylum without having to go into one in real life
what reddit zen is good for is like being in an insane asylum without having to go into an insane asylum !
what reddit zen is good for is like being in an insane asylum without having to go into an insane asylum
the nature of the world is to prefer nonsense to sense
the nature of the world is to prefer nonsense to sense
the nature of the world is to prefer nonsense to sense
the millennials are an entitled generation
its a strategy born or developmentally acquired in plentitude
why waste energy when the world will deliver all/what you want to your doorstep
the problem arises /problems arise when what you need (or want!) is not delivered
you go without, but what i see is the concept of working to gain what is needed (wanted) is not there !
personally i think i go the other way too far, get stretched beyond my competence all the time !
tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
a “ vicious circle ” mechanism, virulence factors loaded by bad bacteria into the gut wall excite an inflammatory
response that makes more oxygen available for these aerobics !
inflammation itself changes the microbiome !
i think this would also apply to wound healing, covering the wound so less oxygen is available to the bacteria in the wound !
well iʼm getting a feeling its time for me to be gone from reddit zen
iʼm just chit chatting like the rest !
sorta social and thatʼs not me at all !
yeah let the psycdoc give him the answers !
heʼs very antagonistic to those who tell him sense and those who harm him (ed. the pyschdoc) he gives credence to !
for all his supposed rebelliousness, heʼs just another conventional moron !
learned helplessness ?
heʼs very antagonistic to those who tell him sense and those who harm him he gives credence to !
you too will one day be gone . .
zenthrowaway17 writes
. . But it doesnʼt really matter to me how much youʼve seen if you canʼt explain it to me. I have that trouble with zaddar (andrew) a lot. Heʼll say things to me, and I get the impression that they make sense somehow, but I donʼt get the message
my comment
that in a nutshell is the problem with people on reddit zen, they want it all to be done for them and wonʼt do any useful work for themselves !
thereʼs a million rambling idiots in this world !
thereʼs a million rambling idiots in this world
pure land is “ pure fucking bullshit ”
she doesnʼt want children, basically sheʼs just
passing time until she is out of the danger zone !
the reality of psychiatric medications is people flipping through or adding to medication after medication in a slow destructive downward spiral as the side effects catch up with them !
the reality of psychiatric medications is people flipping through medication after medication in a slow destructive downward spiral as the side effects catch up with them !
past 58, its hard to put oneʼs finger on it, but the brain is definitely not the same i am sad to say !
“ You have insight, a sign of cognitive health ”
i guess the termination point is when thereʼs no more hindsight ! : o)
past 58, its hard to put oneʼs finger on it, but the brain is definitely not the same i am sad to say !
“ 60. how does that even happen. ”
dunno, a bit of a puzzle ! : o)
i think i work at whatever this is about because its the only thing i find interesting !
dai kensho is actually a vast topic because there are several instances at least of it happening to me personally and also questions of seen and unseen kenshos and dai kenshos and questions of reference frames
dai kensho itself is beyond the ability of human to handle, it is literal death
and actually you have to ask what dai kensho is and what makes it different from ordinary “ insight ”
basically with me it was a vision involving the
6th patriarch, what was different is you are cojoined with infinity in the vision and it is more real than what we call reality !
that perspective cannot come any other way and as i have said before, you donʼt want it, it is too upsetting of a life, the floor gets pulled out from under you and you limp on irreparably damaged in conventional terms for the rest of your life !
the really surprising thing that took me a long while to get, is most zen masters and this includes huang po and daihui zonggao, are not enlightened
that is, they lack this experience because they clearly donʼt have the perspective it gives
so its not something thatʼs taught at all, one knows something for
one-self despite the rest of the world naysaying you
dai kensho has happened several times to me, the first as a child but it needed to happen again as an adult so that i could work it through, which is a process of the rest of oneʼs life
the visions are like going somewhere, i donʼt really know what it is but as you leave there are some words you understand, but its not within the vision where in a way there is both memory and no memory, things have happened you do not remember
“ How would you describe this infinity, if possible ? ”
thatʼs a good question, what happens is you start to recognise fugue states of infinity in life, you say to yourself, thatʼs infinity and you should give it attention . .
“ What was the experience you had as a child ? ”
the sky folded in
i think anything beyond about half a glass a day of red wine starts to
induct health problems, it is a toxin !
small amounts do help the digestion !
a tirade against women
8.29 saundarananda canto 08
buddhism is a bad acid trip
thereʼs two forms of insanity
the sane
mentally ill
thereʼs two forms of sanity
the sane
mentally ill
there are two kinds of people
, the sane and the mentally ill ?
there are two kinds of people, the sane and the mentally ill ?
there are two kinds of people
, the sane and the mentally ill
there are two kinds of people, the sane and the mentally ill
“ So what would be a way out of disbelieving your own dai Kensho ?
Are you saying
, that I am still chasing for something ? ”
you took the wrong road and entered the wrong building !
it maybe had a few features that were in imitation of the authentic building it was a poor ramshackle copy of
this might be titled “ buddha spoils a good trip ”
i was thinking in fact though you claim to have had dai kensho, in fact you (serenemountain) disbelieve it
you have settled for something different
, that is what i am saying !
its literally like some bad drug trip and its actually opened up my eyes as to how much of buddhism is like or actually is a bad
LSD trip !
its just like you are in a continual bad lsd trip, you might have picked something more
benign like a heaven with apsarases, way more fun, but no you just have to keep flicking through a rubbish bin
the interesting thing is the way zen has a multitude of meanings because it is in the public domain, people really have strongly different ideas about what it means !
people have no idea of what dai kensho is or ever will i guess !
people have no idea of what dai kensho is or ever will i guess
you have no idea of what dai kensho is or ever will i guess !
you have no idea of what dai kensho is or ever will i guess
i think its quite obvious whether a person deviates from “ their average ” on an individual basis !
i think what i notice is the way people donʼt deviate from their “ average ”
dai kensho is a drastic shift from your “ average ”
i was thinking about brad warnerʼs “ nostalgia ” but in fact thereʼs more to it, some sort of dai kensho experience moved him away from the real life content of the nostalgia, its some sort of death and that was his previous life and life after that is different . .
there are two sorts of zen
patriarch or dai kensho zen which holds that such a thing occurring is fundamental to understanding and without it, you are just wasting your time, also that it can occur without any reason or cause . . so obviously it is not tied into any system or approach
and buji/system zen which is a wide umbrella covering straight negation techniques to scriptural christianity zen (ewk) to elaborate buddhist zen
this buji zen is based on a disbelief in dai kensho and failing to have that energy they just proxy into whatever suits their mindset so in my view the rather bare scriptural christianity approach is not much different from full fledged buddhism, both proxy systems in denial of dai kensho
so reddit zen is basically buji in its many forms
its a denial of dai kensho
voynich interesting writing does not make
voynich interesting writing does not make
voynich interesting writing does not make !
voynich interesting writing does not make
the problem is you donʼt really make good sense or say anything useful, thatʼs what i mean by the mirror being broken and the reassembly bad !
the mirror is broken in your case and i donʼt think you have the reassembly right ! : o)
the problem is you donʼt really make good sense or say anything useful, thatʼs what i mean by the mirror being broken and the reassembly bad !
the mirror is broken in your case and i donʼt think you have the reassembly right ! : o)
zen patriarchs trump zen masters
zen patriarchs trump zen masters !
zen patriarchs trump zen masters
zen patriarchs trump zen masters
the thing to understand is that lifeʼs a cycle
look at your parents, your grandparents
, a baby
, new born baby
lifeʼs a cycle
machine !
the thing is to understand that lifeʼs a cycle !
look at your parents, your grandparents
a baby
, new born baby
lifeʼs a cycle
machine !
“ opening yourself up so that you can love others does make you vulnerable ”
its not necessarily a good idea
reddit zen posting should be a mirror in which you see yourself more clearly
it has no other purpose !
donʼt worry about others, worry about yourself !
reddit zen posting should be a mirror in which you see yourself more clearly
it has no other purpose !
reddit posting should be a mirror in which you see yourself more clearly
it has no other purpose !
reddit posting should be a mirror in which you see yourself more clearly
an interesting connection between hillary clinton and oliver sacks,
l-dopa !
basically it gave her extra years of function but now the side effects are becoming overwhelming !
l-dopa, while moderating the symptoms does
NOT slow the progression of the disease !
zen does not survive the transition from celibacy to “ married with kids ”
you really have to come from enlightenment and dai kensho or nothing in zen or religion makes sense !
you really have to come from enlightenment and dai kensho or nothing in zen makes sense !
practice itself is a schizophrenic fantasy
practice itself is a schizophrenic phantasy
practice itself is a schizophrenic fantasy
practice itself is a schizophrenic phantasy
what is really dumb is to try and impose a viewpoint on reddit zen
“ whether or not other people are enlightened is not my business ”
well the zen records are about nothing else
, dialogues of approval and disapproval
basically a monk says to the master “ approve me ” and the master usually says no, fuck off, sometimes they say yes ‘ i approve ’ !
“ whether or not other people are enlightened is not my business ”
well the zen records are about nothing else
, dialogues of approval and disapproval
well if zazen is so great why are you spilling such a load of crap
the problem with “ zazen ” is that it just ingrains rubbish if thatʼs all you think and read
its literal schizophrenia and you are only one of a million that this happens to
complacent cesspools thinking they smell of roses
go for a walk and do something useful !
its really no different from r/meditation, an even bigger collection of dumb stupid drug damaged crazies than r/zen and whatʼs more if you are not schizophrenic and post there, they ban you !
of the mumonkan
its easy to spend oneʼs life trying to decode bullshit ! . .
any religion is full of these idiots !
easy to spend oneʼs life trying to decode bullshit ! . .
ed. of the mumonkan
any religion is full of these idiots !
easy to spend oneʼs life trying to decode bullshit ! . .
any religion is full of these idiots !
in all the endless karaoke on the “ got talent ” shows, one girl wrote her own
she seems
influenced by karen dalton, or maybe thatʼs just a similar voice ?
reddit zen and real life zen, they think it karaoke, not even the songs of others, just endless voynich junk
jonʼs video of a
real bit of canada, not the touristy stuff !
the core elements of the real zen or inquiry are
quality reading and getting daily solitary/contemplative time
its almost like an academic discipline, heaps of slow detail work sorting things out !
and attention to health, i think my brain would hardly work without quality krill oil !
its interesting to compare, at some point stalin stopped running the war (after horrific losses of many millions of men) and started listening to his generals and hitler never stopped !
that doomed germany more than anything else !
historically accurate
a change of weapons régime, gunpowder versus calvary . . !
‘ spiritual people ’ are caught in a distortion !
‘ spiritual people ’ are caught in a distortion
spiritual people are caught in a distortion
you are caught in a distortion
sepehr writes
In the past people would make bone broths. They would simmer or cook the broth on low heat for the entire day in order to get the most nutrients and minerals. Today, I had some kosher fish gelatin powder, and my brain felt lit up. Not even germanium, fish oil, and vitamin
D3 have done this...
It works for me. Whatʼs your opinion on gelatine if itʼs of high quality ?
my reply
i canʼt remember whether you are vegetarian or not ?
does bovine gelatine have the same effect ? (ed. he says it doesnʼt)
gelatine is high in glutamine which is an important brain chemical
can sorta act a bit like an amphetamine i think
interesting, will see if i can find
some here !
oddly enough i ate some beautiful salmon last night and discarded the skin !
“ just curious
what got u into zen ? ”
had dai kensho as a child, nothing ever made sense
zen made a bit of sense but its very uneven and most involved are very wrong minded so that takes years to work through
if you oppose the world in certain ways it will eat you alive
you seem to choose that sort of opposition !
17 replies
I just do what I want to do
Sometimes I oppose and sometimes I submit
I probably oppose a lot more on the internet...
my reply
yeah but really its an art (flowing with the world)
, you are stuck in ideas of “ Sometimes I oppose and sometimes I submit ”
when you get it right(er!) that viewpoint doesnʼt arise
if you oppose the world in certain ways it will eat you alive
you seem to choose that sort of opposition !
if you oppose the world in certain ways it will eat you alive
youʼre not listening !
youʼre not listening
giuseppe verdi was ten years younger than hector berlioz and heavily
indebted (read plagiarized but perhaps not quite . . ) to him
“ berlioz was a poor, sick man who raged at everyone
he was greatly and subtly gifted
he had a real feeling for instrumentation, anticipated wagner in many instrumental effects. (the wagnerians won’t admit it, but it is true)
he had no moderation
he lacked the calm and what i may call the balance that produce complete works of art
he always went to extremes, even when he was doing admirable things ”
verdi outright stole from berlioz and stuck the knife in as well ! : o(
the cost of
staging that !
“ People are fucking idiots and I need to correct them ”
people donʼt move from their average !
people donʼt move from their average !
“ violence is like the burned crisps on the bacon of rage ”
usually its quite deliberate